Wellness Massage Therapy

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Sports Massage is added to FHT’s independently accredited register for complementary healthcare therapists

Wellness Massage Therapy is pleased to announce that Sports Massage has been added to the FHT’s Accredited Register, which is independently approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, a body accountable to Parliament.

FHT members (including Rick Southcott of Wellness Massage Therapy) who hold a qualification in Sports Massage, accepted by the FHT for membership and insurance purposes, will now be automatically listed on the FHT Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register, under Sports Massage.

Furthermore, the FHT’s Complementary Healthcare Therapist Register is the only Accredited Register to list Sports Massage as a standalone modality.

Practitioners listed on the FHT’s Accredited Register are part of a government-backed scheme to protect the public, which helps potential clients, employers and health and care commissioners to choose a therapist with confidence.

FHT’s President, Jennifer Wayte, says: ‘While Body Massage and Sports Therapy already appear on the FHT’s Accredited Register, we’re delighted to now add Sports Massage to the list. Not only will this offer more choice to those looking for practitioners on an Accredited Register, we hope it will also bring therapists offering this modality further recognition for their role in health and care.

‘Sports Massage has many health and well-being benefits to offer, and not just to those taking part in sporting activities’, Jennifer adds. ‘For instance, many people experience minor aches and pains as a result of their work or hobbies – from painting and decorating, to gardening and fishing. Sports Massage, alongside conventional medical care, can be an excellent way to help people address these day-to-day challenges. It can also be an effective form of preventative health care.’

For more information about the FHT’s Accredited Register, visit http://www.fht.org.uk/register