Wellness Massage Therapy

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Repetitive strain, it’s a pain

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and overuse syndrome is extremely common, affecting people in many occupations including chefs, hairdressers, office and trade workers. 

A repetitive strain injury happens from the repetitive actions and over use of a certain body part. RSI commonly presents itself as injuries such as carpel tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, tendonitis, lumbago, headaches and migraines. However, these conditions are all preventable, so long as you listen to the body's signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of RSI and Over Use Syndrome:

  • persistent aches and pain

  • muscle stiffness or muscle weakness, clumsiness

  • fatigue and difficulty performing normal tasks, like turning on the tap

  • tingling or numbing sensations, burning sensations or shooting pain in small restricted areas like the forearms or fingertips

The first signs of an impending RSI or over use injury may present as soreness, tingling or discomfort in the arms, neck, shoulders, lower back or legs. The symptoms may come on when you perform an action or afterwards. The symptoms may disappear when you stop the action, or they may take a few hours or even days to ease up. Over time though, if left untreated, the symptoms can become chronic.

The most important factor in preventing this type of injury from developing into a chronic condition is to listen to your body and take action. Notice the symptoms and warning signs. Stretch daily and take regular breaks each hour to momentarily rest those body parts affected. And receive regular Remedial Massage Treatments.