Kinesio Taping For Aiding Injury Recovery And Posture Improvement

Designed by chiropractor Dr Kenzo Kase in the 1970s, Kinesio Tape has seenan increase in popularity following its presence at the 2008 Olympic Games.

Kinesio Tape (KT) is an elastic adhesive tape used for the treatment of sport injuries and a variety of other conditions including posture realignment. The tape is claimed to stretch 120 to 140 per cent of its original length and then subsequently recoil to its original length following application, thus exerting a proposed pulling force on the skin. It is suggested that KT allows a greater range of motion (ROM) than conventional tape and can be worn for longer periods of time without the need for reapplication.

In the sporting context, KT has been used to modulate pain, increase ROM, increase strength, improve proprioception  and increase muscle activity. The proposed mechanism of athletic benefits include:

Facilitating joint and muscle realignment by strengthening weakened muscles

Improving circulation of blood and lymph by increasing the interstitial space between the skin and underlying connective tissues (allowing for increased circulation of both venous and lymphatic fluid)

Decreasing pain through the reduction in pressure on nociceptors

Repositioning subluxated joints by relieving abnormal muscle tension, helping to return the function of fascia and muscle

Increasing proprioception through the stimulation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors

The most commonly researched areas for KT application include the shoulder, neck, back, knee, ankle and forearm. It is common for KT to be applied for the management of whiplash-related disorders, lower back pain, subacromial impingement, grip weakness and patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).  Non-athletic uses of KT include the management of lymphoedema, cerebral palsy and stroke patients.

Contact us for more information and assessment of your suitability for this treatment. 

How Do I Know If I'm About To Be Injured

Sports medicine professionals are now placing a much greater emphasis on preventing injuries rather just treating them, and as the saying goes prevention is better than cure! We’re in the early stages of learning what contributes to sports injuries, but here’s a list of things that you can use to assess whether an injury is looming.

Look for specific tightness and restriction

The body is quite clever. When an area is irritated or injured the nervous system usually switches on the muscles around the region to help brace or splint the region to protect it. If you’ve ever had a wry-neck you know what I mean. This increase in muscle tone can be picked up (sometimes) before you feel any pain, and it’s usually specific to one area. So if one calf starts getting tight or you’re finding hard to stretch your lower back to the left but not the right get things checked out.

Pain is not your friend

Nature gave us pain for a reason. There is a difference between working hard and feeling a bit sore after a session and a pathological pain. Use the 3-day rule: if it’s not better after a few days there might be something going on.

Changing training, routine, or technique

Change your training gradually. It doesn’t matter how fit you are, when your body is exposed to a new physical stress it takes time for your system to adapt. And it’s not only your sports activity that you need to take into consideration. That business trip you did last week where you were in meetings all week, or painting the baby’s nursery all weekend may play a part. If you’ve changed your physical routine, pay attention to the other points in this article.

Old injuries playing up

One thing we do know from research into sports injuries is that old injuries generally have a risk of recurring, and incomplete recovery or rehabilitation can play a major role. Be honest with yourself – did I finish off everything I was supposed to do after my hamstring tear or knee operation? If not, better late than never. And if you don’t know, get a health professional to check you over.

Gaining weight

Whether you’ve eaten too much or bulked up in the gym, weight gain can be a problem. Obviously the heavier you are, the more stress is placed on your legs in particular. If you have gained weight pay attention to any niggles and try and get your weight down by eating well and low impact exercise such as cycling and swimming.

If you have any questions on this or any of my articles please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rick Southcott


The Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor is the base of the group of muscles referred to as your ‘core'. These muscles are located in your pelvis, and stretch like a trampoline or hammock from the pubic bone (at the front) to the coccyx or tail-bone (at the back) and from side to side. 

The pelvic floor muscles work with your deep abdominal (tummy) and deep back muscles and diaphragm to stabilise and support your spine. They also help control the pressure inside your abdomen to deal with the pushing down force when you lift or strain - such as during exercise.

Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and bowel in men, and the bladder, bowel and uterus in women. They also help maintain bladder and bowel control and play an important role in sexual sensation and function.

Working your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Although it is hidden from view, your pelvic floor muscles can be consciously controlled and therefore trained, much like your arm, leg or abdominal (tummy) muscles. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help you to actively support your bladder and bowel. This improves bladder and bowel control and reduce the likelihood of accidentally leaking from your bladder or bowel. Like other muscles in your body, your pelvic floor muscles will become stronger with a regular exercise program. This is important for both men and women, especially for improved recovery from childbirth and gynaecological surgery .

Contact us for more advice, 121 and small group sessions available for exercise instruction and programme design. 

Why Everyone Would Benefit From A Regular Massage

Why Everyone Would Benefit from a Regular Massage

Although massage has been practiced for thousands of years, it is not until fairly recently that the general public has become aware of its many benefits. While those with muscular aches and pains often sought out a massage therapist to help them, it has now become apparent that the regular use of massage can promote both physical and mental health for everyone. Massage is not a luxury; it might almost be considered a necessary part of everyone’s lifestyle.

Dealing with Our Stressful World

The fast, often frenetic pace of the modern world leaves many of us feeling frazzled and stressed out. The elevated rate of depression and other mood related issues is reflected in the millions of prescriptions written every year for drugs to try to mitigate these mental problems. Often, people find it difficult to simply relax and enjoy life.

Stress can result in such negative effects as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, headaches, muscle pain, and insomnia. All of these are conditions that can seriously impact health. When we are stressed, our body releases cortisol. This hormone helps us to run faster or fight better, which is of use when running from a hungry bear or when your child is in danger. Under normal circumstances, the level of cortisol in the blood drops as soon as the crisis is over. However, in today’s stressful atmosphere, often the crisis is never over. Fortunately, massage is an excellent way to counteract stress and anxiety.

Massage therapy helps to release the body’s natural stress relievers – endorphins. These neurotransmitters are instrumental in producing a feeling of calm and well-being.
Simply being under the hands of a massage therapist causes the body and mind to relax; it’s not uncommon for those experiencing a massage to actually nod off.

Massage for Handling Aches and Pains

Although stress is a great contributor to muscular pain, there are numerous other ways that our bodies can be damaged and require the services of a massage therapist. Injuries incurred while participating in sports or work can cause pain not only in the muscles, but also in the ligaments and tendons.

Sprains are damage to the ligaments holding a joint in place and result in swelling, pain, and difficult in using the affected limb. Massage helps in healing sprains by bringing more blood to the affected area to speed healing, as well as helping to drain away excess fluid that has accumulated as a result of the injury.
Strains represent damage to muscle tissue. Overworked or overstretched muscles can experience tears in the fibres, causing pain, knotting, and stiffness. Your massage therapist will apply the proper technique to loosen up tight, stiff muscles, and the endorphins released during massage will help with pain reduction.
Exercise is instrumental in keeping both the body and mind strong, but it’s also very easy to overdo it while exercising – especially in the case of those who are engaged in bodybuilding. Both regular and deep tissue massage can help relieve pain and promote healing.

Is a Regular Massage Right for You?

The nice thing about massage is that it is never wrong. Not only is massage therapy perfect for dealing with stress and assorted aches and pains, it also bolsters the immune system to keep you healthier. The flexibility of the joints increases and more oxygen is delivered to all parts of the body (including the brain) as circulation improves.

Many people will use massage once or twice when dealing with a specific problem, and will come away feeling refreshed and revitalized. But, why wait until there is a problem to see a massage therapist? Scheduling a weekly or biweekly massage can help to keep you feeling better all the time – less stressed, more alert, and less likely to suffer from painful, tight muscles.

What it basically comes down to is this – regular massage by a massage therapist is one of the best ways to promote both mental and bodily health for everyone.