Repetitive strain, it’s a pain

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and overuse syndrome is extremely common, affecting people in many occupations including chefs, hairdressers, office and trade workers. 

A repetitive strain injury happens from the repetitive actions and over use of a certain body part. RSI commonly presents itself as injuries such as carpel tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, tendonitis, lumbago, headaches and migraines. However, these conditions are all preventable, so long as you listen to the body's signs and symptoms.

Symptoms of RSI and Over Use Syndrome:

  • persistent aches and pain

  • muscle stiffness or muscle weakness, clumsiness

  • fatigue and difficulty performing normal tasks, like turning on the tap

  • tingling or numbing sensations, burning sensations or shooting pain in small restricted areas like the forearms or fingertips

The first signs of an impending RSI or over use injury may present as soreness, tingling or discomfort in the arms, neck, shoulders, lower back or legs. The symptoms may come on when you perform an action or afterwards. The symptoms may disappear when you stop the action, or they may take a few hours or even days to ease up. Over time though, if left untreated, the symptoms can become chronic.

The most important factor in preventing this type of injury from developing into a chronic condition is to listen to your body and take action. Notice the symptoms and warning signs. Stretch daily and take regular breaks each hour to momentarily rest those body parts affected. And receive regular Remedial Massage Treatments.

Updated Massage Menu

Remedial Massage

Our Remedial massages involve assessment, treatment and often include homework (stretches and exercises). Sessions can include a combination of Myofascial Release, Deep tissue & Trigger Point massage and stretching.

Sports Massage

Our sports massage focuses on recovery, rehabilitation and prevention for events and training sessions. Massage sessions include assessment and treatment.

Therapeutic Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Our Therapeutic massages are recommended for those who enjoy regular massage. This massage walks the line between Relaxation and Remedial. Some parts will be beautifully relaxing while others, like you're "being fixed".

Relaxation Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Our Relaxation massages use slow and gentle strokes to help you drift off to your happy place as the stresses of life are gently massaged out of your physical body.

Hot Stones Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Our hot stones massage is a rejuvenating treatment option that uses heated stones to encourage blood flow throughout your body. This can relieve chronic pain, help de-stress your mind and body and encourage deep relaxation.                                                                                                                                       

Lymphatic Massage

Recovering from surgery? A post-surgery massage includes manual lymphatic massage to help the body in reducing swelling and inflammation. After which, a continued massage treatment plan will soften and break down scar tissue stiffness, lower pain and improve flexibility. All designed to accelerate recovery and return you to normal daily activities sooner.

Massaging the hip area to relieve low back pain

My regular clients know so well that I tend to spend quite a bit of time on the hip area, when the reason they come to see me is lower back pain, sciatica or leg pain. Trigger points or muscle knots in the gluteus medius and minimus in the hip are a common cause of stubborn and strange aches and pains both locally, as well as referring pain to surrounding muscles, and yet they are often under-diagnosed.

What is Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common symptom that can indicate a number of different underlying conditions that may affect the joint and its surrounding structures. Because of where the hip bone is located, it’s a common place for injury and trauma to occur that can lead to several different and occasionally long lasting problems above in the lower back and below into the legs.

With so much stress placed on the hip by the body in everyday situations, the area sometimes never gets the chance to heal, meaning that symptoms can continue to present themselves for weeks or months without treatment. If you’re suffering from hip pain and it doesn’t show any sign of relenting, ascertaining the cause is crucial to helping your body recover.

The Cause of Hip Pain

Arthritis, injury, over exertion through physical activity or poor posture are the most common causes of hip pain, each affecting the joint and surrounding area in a different way. Identifying the reason for your pain is the first step to correcting and healing the problem.

Hip Pain Relief

Hip pain can start off as a dull annoyance but, if left untreated, can become a serious problem leading to a loss of mobility and severe pain. Knowing the underlying cause of your pain is the crucial first step to correcting and healing the joint.

Massage therapy is the perfect way to loosen the muscles and alleviate pain in the short term. Strengthening the area through exercise and a focus on physical fitness and wellbeing can help prevent injury from recurring and is an important final step to eliminating pain permanently.If your hip pain is persistent and affecting the way you want to lead your life, visit me and let me help you to break free from pain. I’m not just interested in short-term fixes; I’ll identify your condition and provide the appropriate care to ease your suffering permanently.

Correct – Relax – Strengthen

I believe in supporting good health and providing permanent solutions rather than temporary fixes. Through addressing muscular imbalance and dysfunction with a mix of advanced massage therapies to relax and stretch tight and painful muscles alongside a strong focus on strength and fitness training to help strengthen the body and prevent pain from returning. You will experience improved posture, an ease of suffering and achieve a healthier lifestyle. 

Contact me for a holistic approach to your well-being and break free from pain.